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    Practical Tips to Keep Your Business Data Safe

    No matter how big or small a company is, when it deals with data theft, massive disruptions will be felt, and the organization will not be able to keep the focus on its products and day-to-day operations. Cyber-attack consequences are often irreparable, and each business member, be it the manager or the employees, will feel frustrated and helpless. Because of the huge damage it causes, companies need to take the necessary measures and safeguards to reduce this scenario from happening. But to do so, everyone must know how to protect themselves and their business data from dangers. So, here are the most common ways to keep your business data safe.

    Practical Tips to Keep Your Business Data Safe

    Know what to do in case of a details breach

    To be prepared for any scenario, you must know what to do if you suffer a data breach. If you are ready, you will handle the situation much better and don't lose essential time, as every second matters when you are in a critical position. A data breach will negatively impact a business's reputation, damage the finances, and your customers will begin to feel scared and even give up on your collaboration. So, responding as quickly as you can will limit the fallout. In this situation, you should inform your clients about the unfortunate event to protect themselves. If you keep the information private, your customers will not trust you in the future, and they can also prepare a lawsuit against you. The data at risk that most hackers go for include names, addresses, emails, bank account details, credit card numbers and other sensitive information. If you are ever in this situation, you also need to know that you can claim some data breach compensation to help you recover some of the harm made. You can find more information at  https://www.databreachcompensationexpert.co.uk/data-breach-compensation/

    Train your employees

    Ensure your employees are trained properly and know how to protect their data and the one of your company from online dangers. If you take this step, you will reduce the probability of a data breach, and your workers will know how to behave online. So, you must give your employees the necessary training so they will not treat this aspect carelessly and learn why it is so important to protect corporate data. Because now more than ever, many employees work from home, in most cases, they use their personal phones and computers to access your business's documents and organizational networks. And if their devices aren't encrypted but are exposed to danger, the probability that data leaks will appear will increase. As early as you can (even from the first day of work), you should inform them about the expectation regarding security and that they need to double-think everything before opening a link or an email that doesn't look safe. Make sure you also notify your employees about the following: 

    Phishing emails and how to recognize them.

    To lock their computers, laptops or other devices before they go away from them.

    To delete sensitive documents after they don't need them anymore.

    The dangers of malware.

    Don't store passwords

    Because we use emails and apps daily, passwords are essential to keep our data safe. It is believed that if you use a mix of characters created from numbers and letters in uppercase and lowercase, you will have better security. But as important as this aspect is also how you store your passwords. You should never write anything on paper or in your phone's messages. However, now the most common risk is represented by storing passwords in the Internet browsers. We agree that the method is convenient but is not a safe alternative. When you synchronize them in the browsers, you will log in immediately with just a simple click. But this also means that anyone who might come to your desk can log in exactly as easily as you can and access all your accounts this way. If you really need to store passwords, as there are too many and you can't remember them, you should only consider very secure apps you trust. 

    Scan new devices

    If you took all the measures to have a safe online presence and spent months securing your networks so that you will not be the victim of a cyber-attack, the last thing you need is to be put at risk by dangerous malware from one of your employees' phones. If your company has an IT team, they should scan the workers' devices periodically and clean the infected devices before employees can access the Wi-Fi of your business. Checking the devices from time to time will prevent viruses and malware from entering your network and stealing your data. 

    Encrypt everything

    Hackers may break into your security, as they can trick someone into clicking an attachment from a phishing email. But to use the information they found, they first need to be able to read the data. And if you encrypt everything before, they will not use the information found, as they cannot open anything. Encrypting is the best defense against a data breach because they will have nothing even if they can access the database. So, the best way to stay away from danger is to encrypt everything all the time. 

    Final words

    The more measures you take, the safer your company will be. Data breaches are very costly and stressful, and in that period, you will be under a lot of pressure as you will search for solutions everywhere so that you will solve the situation quickly. The best way to never be in this scenario is to protect your data beforehand. Now, you are exposed more to online danger, but your options to defend yourself are bigger than they were a few years ago. Make sure to take all the measures you think are needed, as a data breach could negatively impact your company's reputation.

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