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    How To: Brand Building in 5 Steps

    When you’re in the start phases of your company, there are a lot of things you need to do that you wouldn’t have thought of in the beginning. One of these things is building your brand: many entrepreneurs think this is something that happens during the process, but in reality, brand building asks for more time than expected. Luckily, we’re here to help you. In this blog, you’ll find five steps you need to take to create a successful brand!

    How To: Brand Building in 5 Steps

    How To: Brand Building in 5 Steps

    1. Corporate colors

    The foundation of your company is your colors. These can be picked in various ways, but firstly it’s important to take a look at your rivals so that you know you’re not copying anyone. Now that certain colors are ruled out, picking yours became a bit easier. A logical option to go with is picking colors that you like, but if you want to put more thought into it, you can check the psychological effect of every color.

    2. Start branding

    Now that you have your colors, it’s time to implement these colors in every element of your company. This means your logo now exists in these colors, but they can also be found on your website, in your office, on your packaging, on social media, etc. By just looking at a package, your customers will already know it’s you, which helps massively when it comes to brand awareness.

    3. Tone of voice

    Not every aspect of your brand has to do with colors. The way you speak to customers is a very important example. You want your employees to handle every customer the same way. Whether we’re talking phone conversations or social media posts, by stating your tone of voice as part of your branding, you’re 100% certain this is exactly what happens. The tone of voice doesn’t necessarily affect your brand awareness, but it’s an important part of your reputation, which will come in useful as your brand grows.

    4. Piracy prevention

    Now that your brand is almost fully set, it’s important to make sure no one but you runs with it. Sadly, online piracy is a very serious problem all over the world, but luckily it can be stopped by investing in an anti piracy service. This scans the web, looking for people using your content without consent. Once they find something, it’s deleted from the web and reported to you, so you know your brand can exist safely online.

    5. Enjoy

    Your brand is official. There’s nothing left than to continue the great work of your company, now with a beautiful brand to support this. 

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