Top 10 Ways to Cut Your Manual Work on the Job Site
What is Manual Labor? Manual labor is just working that you must do manually, such as gathering data, sorting data, reading emails, and other such jobs that take up lots of your time. There are ways that you can do these things electronically to reduce your manual workload. Technology has come a long way in the last few years and can help you to do the things that are tedious for everyone.
If you are the one doing this manual work, even if you are the boss of the company, there are ways to reduce this type of work. If you are looking into reducing manual work, this article is for you. This article will give you some ideas and hints about reducing this workload.
These are some ideas of manual work that can be avoided by using automation or technology so that you will not have to do them and can hire people who do more important work. These are jobs that can be done with the use of computers or other technology, freeing up those people to do jobs that better fit their education levels.

Top 10 Ways to Cut Your Manual Work on the Job Site
1. Receptionist
a receptionist is not needed in most businesses because this job can be done by technology now. You could sign into a computer announcing your arrival to the person that needs to know that you are there. This is already done at many job sites such as medical offices and other office-type jobs. You can even sign into a computer and have the computer contact your smartphone when the person is ready to help you.

2. Administrative Assistant
Computers can also do the jobs of administrative assistants, many of which have college degrees to do a lower paying job. To find out more about automated administrative assistants, you can look here. These assistants could be better used as team members that are paid to come up with ideas and execute those ideas to make your company more profitable.
These administrative assistant jobs can be done by computers that are programmed to make appointments and check calendars, as well as read emails and determine which are just spam and which ones are important to the company. Yes, sometimes computers make mistakes, but they are usually more accurate than a person doing the same job.
3. Data Collection
Data collectors are usually paid to create data collection tools and then assimilate that data to be able to present that information to a boss. There are ways to collect this data using computers and other technologies and then having those computers assimilate the data. The data collectors can then be freed up to be able to use that data to improve their position in the company and to improve the company itself.
4. Doorman
Believe it or not, there are still doormen working in the world today. The main job of this person is to greet people at the door and open the door for people. This job can and is being done by automatic doors and are not a necessary part of life anymore. Buildings use these doormen to make their buildings look more successful and more influential. In reality, they are using people to do this job that would be better suited to be managers of the building because they know more about the building than most other people.

5. Recordkeeper
This job is almost always done by computer now because a computer can keep more accurate records than a human can. There are all types of records, medical, dental, office, and even military records that can be kept by a computer. If you need access to these records, you just need to access the computer and you will have access to them in a matter of seconds. This would free up the recordkeepers to be able to do other more important jobs such as office planning and anything else their degrees may allow them to do.
6. Librarian Assistants
These types of jobs could also be done by computers, looking up books and telling patrons where to find them and other such jobs are easily done by computers. This would free these people up to be librarians and do things such as acquiring new book collections for the library, accessing the funds to acquire those new collections, and creating experiences for library patrons to help them access the library in new ways.

7. Package Handlers in a Warehouse
This job can be automated so that humans only have to program the automation to be able to do the job. Automatic package handlers can move products from one side of a warehouse to another and save time for the company. This could free up the package handlers to be delivery personnel and other office workers that cannot be replaced by automation.
8. Data Analyst
Data can be analyzed by computers far more quickly and accurately than by humans. The data can be collected and organized through the computer and given to those in need of the information. This can free up the people who do that job to be able to use that information to improve their company. You can do some research and find programs that can do data analysis and save your company some money like this site: These programs will help your company do better in many ways.
9. Meter Reader
This job can be done remotely by using equipment that can be read and tracked by a computer. This would lead to fewer mistakes being made and more accuracy. The people who were reading meters then could be freed up to run the computers that are being used.
10. Help Desk
You could program a computer to answer all the questions that can come up from your business. Then when people have questions, they can access the computer and have their questions answered. The people who work the help desk can then be freed up to program the questions and answers for the computer.
These are just a few of the manual work jobs that could be done by automation or computers freeing up people to do other more important jobs that have better pay scales. Doing away with some of these jobs can free up funds and can free up personnel to do more important jobs.
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