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    Top 3 Things You Need To Understand Before Creating A Website

    There are so many things that you need to consider when it comes to creating a website, so we are going to break the main components down and introduce them to you. The best piece of advice we can give you when it comes to your website is to invest in a well-recommended website developer, as they will be able to guide you through the entire process. However, it is good to know the basics so you understand what is happening!

    Things You Need To Understand Before Creating A Website

    Top 3 Things You Need To Understand Before Creating A Website

    Choose A Domain and Host 

    The first thing you will need to do is buy a domain name and choose a hosting company. The domain of a website is the address, e.g. www.google.com, and the hosting is where the website files are stored. When someone visits your website address, the hosting company will pull the information from their platform in milliseconds, which creates the front end of the website as we see it. 

    To do this, go to a domain name registrar, such as GoDaddy, look for what you would like to call your website, and then you can purchase the one you would like. At this point, you will also need to verify ownership of the new domain, which you will usually be guided through. 

    You will then choose a hosting company for your website, which is where you will need to make sure you invest properly, as it can significantly affect the performance of your website. Talk to people and find out their experiences with hosting companies, so you can make an informed decision. 

    Consider Your Content Management System Carefully

    Next up, you need to consider the content management system you choose carefully. There are lots of different content management systems available, each with different features that make them best suited to different kinds of businesses. We would recommend choosing either WordPress or Shopify, as you can easily make adjustments to the website once it is live without having much experience in web development at all, to help you create a user-friendly website

    WordPress is a great choice if you have an inquiry-based website, so people will be submitting inquiry forms or making calls to ask about the service you offer, as opposed to people being able to purchase through the website. This is an easily customizable platform, with strong blogging roots which makes it naturally more suited to inquiry-based websites. 

    Shopify is much better for eCommerce websites, with the same benefits as WordPress which is easily customizable. This platform is also well suited to businesses of any size. It also allows full control over the structure and setup of the store. 

    So, either WordPress or Shopify is the best choice. Also, as they are such large content management systems, if you have any questions at any time about how to do something, you will very likely find a YouTube video to help you!

    Make Sure You Have A Clean Design

    Looking at the website from a design point of view, the main thing you need to focus on is making it clean-looking. Don’t overwhelm the pages with loads of images, icons, buttons, and everything. Keep it simple, make sections for content so that you can inform visitors what the site is about, have a simple color palette, and make sure it is easy to navigate. 

    Again, working with a well-recommended web developer will help you to do this, but it would also be worth looking for a design agency Liverpool or London-based for some of the best talents, to help support the website from a graphic design perspective specifically. 

    This will make sure you have a quick, well-functioning website that also looks great! 

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