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    HR Tips Business Owners Wished They Knew

    HR refers to the Human Resource of any company that includes people working under the organization’s payroll, helping it achieve its goals and objectives. Human resource is the most essential and investment-worthy resource for any firm, whether big or small startups or large conglomerates. It becomes even more crucial for newly-stepping into a market because they might have to compromise due to limited resources. However, there are ways for firms to grasp a stronghold on the human resource process without compromising the integrity of their firm while protecting their employees’ interests and keeping them happy.

    It is important to formulate a seamless HR process to ensure a smooth flow of human resource practices in your firm, especially if you hire many candidates for different positions of responsibility. Your firm must have proper HR procedures and guidelines for the hiring and onboarding process to clear to your prospective candidates what the firm stands for, its expectations, and what it plans to achieve.

    If you have a startup business running and are looking for some promising ideas, let this be your breezy HR guide to help you through the process.

    HR Tips Business Owners Wished They Knew

    HR Tips Business Owners Wished They Knew

    Tip#1. Take Appropriate Time When Recruiting

    First and foremost, remember to be mindful when recruiting for any position in your firm. Once you have selected the candidate, labor laws protect employees. Hence there’s a strong chance that the candidate may sue you or your firm for wrongful termination. Thus, it would be best to be extremely cautious when picking a suitable candidate for a post in any department. 

    You need to take a holistic approach during the entire process – from selecting platforms to post about the job opening, reviewing their resume, and conducting the interviews. Remember, you are hiring the person for their skill set or experience and their personality to analyze if they would be a good fit for the company, mentally and socially. Just as firms have certain preferences to maintain a certain culture or decorum of the office environment, the candidate would have certain preferences they would like to work in, too. Although every person is different in their role, it is important to judge what kind of environment they would thrive in and what might cause hindrance in their productivity.

    Most firms with a high employee turnover make the mistake of just expecting the hired candidate to make adjustments according to the corporate culture while making no effort to improve the environment for its employees. When firms realize that there is a problem, they do not know how to fix it. They face long-term concerns since they do not update their HR practices according to industry standards. The best way to avoid such a situation is to make the HR process smooth from the starting point and clear any ambiguities.

    Tip#2. The Employee Handbook 

    This onboarding handbook will be an extremely useful toolkit for a new hire who might have several questions on their first day. Handing out an employee handbook should cover their initial queries about the organization. The handbook also includes company policies, rules and regulations, and guidelines, including expectations from the employee. This onboarding method ensures uniformity across the organization and ensures fair treatment of all the workers. It also serves to protect the firm in case of any disagreements. Furthermore, you’ll build trust between the employer and the employee by making everything clear from the beginning. If you decide to update the employee handbook over time or every year depending on certain standards, all employees must have it signed and record it. 

    Tip#3. Feedback and Rewards

    Another mistake that many organizations make is not letting their employees know if something is wrong or not meeting its expectations. The employers do wait and see to test the employee, and if they fail to meet their demands, they bash the employee. This method hardly ever works. It lowers employee morale. It might work with certain people, but not everyone. 

    Every employee you hire will be different, but you must change your ways if one way is not working. The best way is to have a monthly assessment of all employees. It is the job of an HR professional to get feedback from team supervisors or managers regarding each employee and then communicate it to the employees productively. In case your company does not have an HR department, then it becomes the job of the manager or the supervisor. 

    The best way is to let them know what they are doing well and then tell them where they lag and which areas of their job require more attention. That increases employee morale, but they would be obliged to work harder to impress you because you have been good to them. If someone is doing a good job, reward them with certain incentives like tickets to a show or a concert, or taking them out to lunch to celebrate if your company performance improved because of them. 

    The feedback and reward system also makes the employee feel more included and accepted. It is also good for the company because now you let them know that you expect a consistent performance. Since they have now achieved a certain standing in the firm, their expectations are higher. 

    Tip#4. Keep Employee Updated and Confidential

    It is important to maintain an HR file on every worker in the organization, including their CV, salary, benefits or insurance, portfolio, contact information in case of emergencies, attendance record, job application forms, certificates, leave applications, or medical histories. Doing this ensures that you follow the federal and local labor laws and regulations regarding working hours and conditions. Hire a good corporate lawyer who would tell you to do the same thing. That is because these records will help you in case you get into any trouble with the law system in your country. It would further help you if you digitize all the records and keep a backup. Having HR software would make your job a lot easier, as processing and updating records would be quick. Having a digitized attendance system will also clear out any time issues as it would eliminate any human error and any chances of a conflict. 

    Summing up

    These four HR tips will help you and your organization as well as your employees. Keeping yourself familiarized with the updated HR practices is extremely important because labor is the most precious and expensive resource for any firm. It is also important to follow all the labor laws and treat your employees fairly and equally. Consider your employees as an investment, and these tips help you retain them and minimize the employee turnover rate. Training your employees and communicating clear expectations with a regular feedback session would ensure consistent performance quality that would benefit your organization.

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