5 Tips to Slash Air Conditioning Bills
The summer is finally here and everyone is getting ready to soak the fun up. Surely, you must have a planned pool party, dash the beach, sunbathing, and many outdoor entertainments. Once you are done partying outside, the first thing you do when you come home is switch on your AC system and chill, relax, so that you reenergize for the upcoming fun events. To make the best out of your summer, you just need a reliable and working air conditioner.

So be prepared to contact the experts of AC repair in Peoria, AZ beforehand, so that your hot days are spent cool and comfortable. Call Morehart AC for the best AC servicing, if you want to provide the best for your system.
Since the air conditioner will be used more during the summer days, this does not mean you will have to put up with high energy bills. Therefore, to keep your energy bills under check and budget, the following are few tips that will help to slash your bills to the lowest possible. Take a look below.
- Let Your AC Run While You Are at Work
Many may not agree with this tip, but trust the experts, this is one fine and smart idea. Letting your air conditioner run while you run some small-time errands will help you save money. For instance, coming home from a heatwave, the first thing you do is switch on your AC and set it to the lowest temperature possible, so that it cools faster. Forcing the air conditioner this way would add extra pressure on the system and also lead to wear and tear.
It will also hike your utility bills. But if you leave your AC on while you run some small errands, you will only be happy to come in a cool home. There will be no forced temperature settings and no damage to the system. You can also set the timer in your air conditioner if you are worried about the delay in return so that there won't be any worry about wasting the energy.
- Turn Up the Thermostat
To help low down the energy bills, another smart idea by the professionals of AC repair services in Peoria, AZ, is to raise the setting of the thermostat. This idea may seem a little off the track, but adjusting the temperature will balance the energy bills. It will also help to achieve consistent temperature throughout the house. Installing a smart thermostat is another smart move as it will automatically detect the needs of the inmates and adjust the temperature accordingly. The best thermostat setting recommended for your home is 78 degrees and when there is no one in the house, set it to 82 degrees.
- Make Use of the Ceiling Fans
That's right, at the age of air conditioners, we usually do not like to get troubled with the ceiling fan. But what if it can help the AC system low down the temperature by 4-5 degrees? This sure must have come as new info. Ceiling fans are known to help spread the airflow throughout the room, which is not quite possible by the air conditioner. By substituting it with the AC system, you can lower down the energy bills, and also it will help greatly in reducing the pressure off your AC system. With providers like Ambit Energy which offers its existing customers a smartphone app from which they can view their energy usage, make an Ambit energy payment (access Ambit bill pay), you can easily keep track of your electrical bills. By entering your zip code you can compare Ambit energy rates to low electricity rates from top electric companies on the home energy club website.
- Seal Up Ductwork and Insulation Leaks
It's time you seal up your ductwork and insulation, which you have been avoiding for a long time. It is stated that about 25% - 30% of energy is lost every year because of leaky situations. Contact the professionals and get your ductwork inspected and repaired as it will help lock the temperature, thereby presenting you with a comfortable and consistent temperature.
- Do Not Hesitate to Call the Technicians
It does not matter how minor the air conditioner issue is, call the licensed technicians before the problem takes the worst turn. If you fail to repair your AC system on time, it will surely land you up with many problems and also high energy bills.
Other ways to keep your energy bills down is by keeping the indoor temperature as low as possible which can be achieved by closing the windows, curtains, and blinds when it is hot. This will reduce the indoor temperature by 45%. Therefore, take note of the above tips and enjoy your hot days with ease.
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