Heart Bypass and Cardiothoracic Surgery Procedures
Characterizing heart attacks as the old man's disease was a thing of the past. However, studies show that since the era of the 90s, cardiac arrests have become more frequent and less deadly in the young. Fortunately, due to technological advancements, heart patients bounce back to their daily life even after a complicated surgery. Across the globe, millions of people undergo heart surgeries every year, and many of them read as well as watch medical programs related to their heart issues and operations. The heart is the most fundamental part of our body, and problems related to it seem complicated, which leads to preconceived ideologies and misconceptions. All this overthinking and extra stress increase the plethora of difficulties for the patients. Cardiologists and doctors dispel the fears of people as unfounded or simply outdated. Cardiothoracic Surgery Procedures? Read on this blog to know about the most common myths and facts related to Cardiovascular and thoracic surgery.

Heart Bypass and Cardiothoracic Surgery Procedures
1. Inserting a stent in your heart is safer than performing a bypass surgery procedure
Heart bypass surgery procedure? A cardiologist is the best person to decide whether a patient should be undergoing a treatment involving stents or bypass cardiac surgery is their right option. There is no simple solution to this question, as details like age, the area & the number of blockages have to be considered. Additionally, medical problems such as kidney disease, diabetes, aortic calcification play a crucial role in making the decision. Usually, patients with uncomplicated blockages in just one coronary artery are prescribed the angioplasty stenting treatment. In conditions where the heart blockages occur in the left primary vessel, placing stents is not helpful. Advanced medical technologies have made stenting as well as a bypass procedure equally supportive, depending upon the condition of the patient.
2. Only heart specialists can provide treatment and perform surgeries related to the heart
Cardiothoracic Surgery Procedures? Doctors that are involved in open-heart surgeries, Cardiovascular Surgery, and treatment are often cardiothoracic surgeons. Similar to your cardiologist, they also go through comprehensive medical school training. Besides, they have 5 years of experience in performing general medical surgeries and 2-3 years of experience of cardiothoracic residency. They are trained professionals who are fit to treat any condition related to chest organs, including lungs, heart, and esophagus.
3. Open cardiac surgery requires opening the chest and taking the heart out
Coronary bypass surgery procedure? This is a common misconception that contributes strongly to increasing the fear of patients. The images of invasive heart surgery and coronary artery disease treatment conjure up the misnomer that your heart needs to be taken out of the body while performing cardiac surgery. With the developments in medical technology, apart from heart transplants, all other heart surgeries are done with minimal-invasion, and only an incision is made to perform the surgery.
4. If a child undergoes heart surgery, then they will be a lifetime heart patient
Heart surgeries in children are not the same as heart attacks in adults. If a common heart defect gets treated at the right time, then it will not affect the entire life of a child post-surgery. Surgery might help a child to live. Many parents keep waiting for the disease to heal, that leads to irreparable damage. Even though it is crucial to get regular check-ups done at the hospital, cardiac surgery will not affect the growth of your child. A fine example of this is Olympic snowboarder Shaun White, who was born with a heart defect.
5. Post Coronary Artery Disease Treatment, your health can never be normal
This is not correct. Your health might take a long time to heal after your cardiac treatment. However, your doctor will advise you to resume light activities like walking after a week. Other activities like driving, exercising, or any other physical activity should be done only under the guidance of your doctor. Make sure to include minor changes in your life to improve your health. Furthermore, to prevent heart diseases and to control other risk factors.
6. Excess salt consumption is okay as it is a natural source of food
After cardiac surgery, you should take extra precautions to maintain your health. Although salt is a natural source of food, consuming it in excess can increase your blood pressure and put a lot of load on the kidneys. These conditions can put a strain on your heart, further increasing the risks of heart strokes, heart attacks, and kidney diseases. Therefore, it is crucial to monitor your salt intake and to avoid eating processed foods. While getting discharged from the hospital, your doctor will recommend the safe levels of per day intake of salt. Your doctor will tell you to follow specific diet restrictions as per your conditions. Your dietician will also know about the foods you should avoid posting your surgery.
7. You will have to go through a lot of pain during your cardiac surgery
Pain and risk are associated with every surgery related to the body. However, during cardiac surgery, patients are under the influence of anesthetic medicines that make them sleep comfortably all along with the procedure. Nowadays, efficacious painkillers are available for pain-free recovery from the surgery. If you are still scared, then doctors know the best - you should have a long chat with a medical professional to overcome your fears.
8. Robotic surgeries are better
To date, there is no proven evidence to support the theory of robotic surgeries. All cardiac surgeries are dependent on the health condition of the patient. Although robotic surgery has its sets of benefits, the success rate is equal to any other cardiac surgery. Moreover, this type of surgical procedure will wipe off a lot of your savings. The internet has plenty of blog posts related to robotic surgery, it is advisable to do your research prior to taking any decision.
9. If a person is rich or famous, then their name can move up the heart transplant waiting list faster than other patients
The heart allocation procedure has nothing to do with an individual’s social status, income, race, or any other materialistic factor. The seriousness of the illness, blood type, and finding the potential match, and the time a person has spent waiting are some of the factors that determine the status of the transplant on the waiting list.
10. Cardiac surgeries can lead to Cancer
It is a common myth that after a grafting treatment, patients become susceptible to cancer. Modern-day medical developments have made cardiac bypass surgery a relatively effective and safe procedure. A tiny percentage of specific groups can develop cancer after cardiovascular complications. To avoid any problems with your stents, make sure to schedule regular visits to your hospital after your cardiac surgery.
In a nutshell, surgeries come with a myriad of problems, but they are also accompanied by life-saving rewards. Doctors recommend not to make assumptions or keep waiting for miracles to happen, as it will further put your health at risk. If you wish to know more about post-surgery complications, then visit the best hospital near you and speak to a well-trained cardiologist.
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