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    The Role of Exfoliation and the Benefits of Regular Skin Renewal

    The exfoliator is one of the important roles in skincare to make skin glow and shed away dead skin cells. If you are new to skincare or wondering about exfoliants, then it is nothing but shedding away the skin's top layer which is the dead skin cells. Dead skin cells have been formed because of a lot of skincare concerns or issues! This should be discarded once in two weeks or a month so that the skin glows without any sort of dullness and pigmentation kind of issues.

    The Role of Exfoliation and the Benefits of Regular Skin Renewal

    Benefits of Exfoliation in Skincare:

    Helps in preventing the skin from Clogged Pores.

    Prevents frequent or rare Breakouts happening on the skin.

    Increases production of Collagen

    Reduces the Signs of Ageing

    Sheds away the Dead Skin Cells

    Helps in Brightening your Skin

    Improves the Texture of your Skin

    Prevents Acne and Breakouts

    Discards the Spots or Marks on the Skin

    Keeps the skin Young and Glowing

    Helps the other skincare products to Enter Deeper into the Skin

    Gets rid of Excess Oiliness in the Skin

    Boosts Skin Radiance

    Improves the Blood Circulation

    Stimulated the Blood Flow deeper into the Skin

    Reduces the lines in the skin.

    The benefits above would have made you know how beautifully it works to create a natural glow to the skin. If you are scared of exfoliation, then it is not needed to. The steps should be performed well to make your exfoliation journey more friendly to your skin. Here are two types of exfoliation:

    1.  Physical Exfoliation:

    This is a process where we manually tend to remove the dead skin and others in the upper/top layer of the skin. Here products like sponges, loofahs, and brushes are used. In terms of DIY’s grounded sugar, walnuts, rice flour, etc. There are both advantages and disadvantages while using physical exfoliants. 

    In terms of advantages, they are cost-effective and at the same time a one-time investment too! Rather than buying scrubs and products, you can even make them at home with the kitchen ingredients themselves.

    Some of the DIY physical exfoliants are Sugar+Honey, Rice Flour+Milk/Curd, etc. All these are okay for the skin but a patch test is necessary. While using scrub particles like sugar, walnuts, flours, etc, make sure they are way nicer than in bigger chunks, so that they do not hurt the skin. There are also different face scrubs online and you can choose one based on your skin type.

    2.  Chemical Exfoliation:

    This is also something that sheds away the dead skin cells, but not the outer layer of the skin but also deep inside. Here alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids, and also different fruit enzymes are been used in this process. This helps in brightening your skin, improves the skin texture, and reduces the spots and lines in the skin.

    AHA: Products like lactic acid, mandelic acid, etc are some examples of AHAs. It helps with skin care concerns like pigmentation, acne scars, and melasma. They help in improving the water-holding capacity of the skin.

    BHA: When I think of BHA, salicylic acid is something that comes first into my mind. It helps in breaking down the dirt, sebum buildups and also helps in preventing acne breakouts.

    Plant-Based Products: Perfect for people with sensitive skin since they are light and soft on the skin.

    It is now completely normal for you all to get confused about which exfoliation process you should look for. Here are ways for you to choose one accordingly. If you have a normal skin type and your skin seems to be okay with trying, then you can go with physical exfoliation. In other cases, which are having combinational, acne-prone, or sensitive skin type, chemical exfoliation would be a better option.

    Chemical exfoliation is a safe process when compared to physical ones. Physical exfoliants tend to be more unsafe because they might hurt the skin by causing micro tears when the particles are a little sharp.

    Since it's already new for you, it is normal for you to get confused in choosing the right kind of exfoliator. There are mild to strong exfoliating products available online. Here is a way to choose the right exfoliator for your skin

    New to exfoliation? Then your skin needs to go through this process. So, you can try washable kinds of exfoliating products first. This means you can use exfoliating cleansers in the first go for introducing exfoliation to the skin. You can try glycolic acid or salicylic-based cleansers.

    If you are a beginner and you have normal to any type of skin without sensitivity issues, then ABP-22% Weekly Exfoliating Peeling Solution from mycosiq would be a better option. It is a combination of Alpha, beta, and poly-hydroxy acids, that will help in shedding away the dead skin cells in the facial area. This will cleanse your face deep inside so that you will get the glow that is needed.

    If your skin has already been into the process of exfoliation then you can go with a gentle to strong peeling exfoliating solution. This will help in giving you better skin results to induce glow and beauty to the skin.

    Always make sure to do a patch test, since there are more chances for the skin to be reacted with any kind of chemical exfoliator. You can do the test on your side of the neck, or your elbows. Leave it for 24hrs, and if your skin feels okay then you can go with the products.

    Make sure to not use products like retinol or other stringer acid while you are in the process of exfoliation. Gently cleanse your face, apply the exfoliator, and leave it for 10 - 15mins as given. Then wash off and apply a hydrating moisturizer to your face. This will help in nourishing your skin while leaving the skin well moisturized

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