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    Advantages of Dental Implants: How Dentist Parker Can Improve Your Life?

    If you have lost one or more teeth, dental implants may be a consideration for rebuilding your grin. Dental implants are an excellent way to restore missing teeth and provide several advantages in the process. This blog post will discuss the benefits of dental implants and how they can improve your life. We will also discuss the process of getting dental implants from The Parker Dentist and what you can expect from the procedure.

    Advantages of Dental Implants: How Dentist Parker Can Improve Your Life?

    Benefits of Dental Implants:

    Dental implants are a fantastic option for replacing missing teeth since they appear and feel like your natural teeth. As a result, you can chew, drink, and talk normally without having to worry about your dental implants. Dental implants are also highly resilient and may survive for many years with proper care.

    Another benefit of dental implants is that they can help to preserve your jawbone. When you fail a tooth, the bone near the tooth starts to deteriorate. This can cause your face to sink in and make you look older than you really are. Dental implants help to prevent this by keeping the bone intact. Lastly, dental implants can improve your overall oral health. When you have missing teeth, it is difficult to brush and floss properly. This can lead to plaque build-up and an increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Dental implants allow you to brush and floss normally, which can help to keep your mouth healthy. 

    How To Get A Dental Implant:

    The benefits of dental implants are numerous, but it’s important that you understand the process before making a decision. The first step is usually a consultation with your Dentist Parker or oral surgeon. During this appointment, they will evaluate your mouth and jawbone to determine if dental implants are right for you. 

    If you are a good candidate for dental implants, the next step is to have a small titanium screw placed into your jawbone. This will serve as the root of your new tooth. Once the implant has bonded with your jawbone, an abutment ( connector piece) will be placed on top of the implant. Finally, a custom-made tooth will be created and attached to the abutment. 

    The whole procedure can carry several months from beginning to finish. However, once complete, you will have a beautiful new smile that can last a lifetime!

    What Are The Risks Involved?

    As with any surgery, there are some risks involved with dental implants. These risks include infection, damage to the surrounding teeth, and nerve damage. However, these risks are rare and can usually be avoided by working with a qualified dentist or oral surgeon. 


    Dental implants are a great way to replace missing teeth and offer several benefits that can improve your life. If you are considering dental implants, be sure to consult with your dentist or oral surgeon to see if they are right for you. 

    Thanks for reading! We wish this blog post has been enlightening and useful. If you keep any queries, please feel free to reach us. We would be more than glad to reply to any of your queries!

    Have a great day!

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