What are General Hazards That Guide to a Slip and Fall Injury?
Slip and fall accidents are among the most common causes of injuries and may result in serious injuries, including broken bones and concussions in just a matter of seconds. The potential for tripping, slipping or falling can happen anywhere, indoors, outdoors, and any time of the year. Whether you are visiting a neighbor, doing your weekly grocery shopping, or at work, a small, simple act of negligence may force you to experience pain and expensive medical treatment as well as long periods away from work. Slip and fall injuries can appear minor but may be much more serious than you first realized. Here are the most common hazards that may lead to a slip and fall injury.

What are General Hazards That Guide to a Slip and Fall Injury?
- Wet Floors
Wet floors are one of the leading causes of slip and fall injuries. Wet floors can be caused by several different things, including spillages and routine floor cleaning. When it’s raining, an entrance area may become wet from the rain coming off of clothing and shoes, quickly leading to an accidental fall. Not only can wet surfaces indoors lead to slip and fall accidents but outdoors, potholes and recessed pavement areas may collect puddles or downspouts that can cause flooding on lawns; all of which become slick and hazardous.
- Icy Walkways, Parking Lots, and Driveways
Even if you are wearing the most durable type of footwear, ice can be a slippery surface. Whether you are walking across a parking lot, shoveling the walkways, or stepping out of your vehicle onto the driveway, it’s important to use caution when the outside conditions are icy. If you do slip and fall on the ice, you may feel embarrassed and may brush it off or pretend you’re not hurt, but slip and falls on ice can be serious, especially if you land on your back or hit your head on the hard surface.
- Cords and Cables
Work environments, especially areas such as a construction site may have ropes, power cables, extension cords, and other types of lines running across walking areas. Unfortunately, it’s common for cords and cables to be unsecured, which can lead to serious injuries, including broken bones if you trip and fall over them.
- Floor Mats
Although floor mats are intended to protect the flooring from daily wear and tear, they can be hazardous if they don’t lay flat, or if are placed on an already slippery floor. When floor mats are in good condition, they can prevent slips on greasy or wet floors, ultimately limiting the number of accidents, but when they have tears, are beginning to curl, or have a worn-out backing they become a serious fall hazard.
- Slippery Surfaces
A surface doesn’t have to be wet to be hazardous. Slip and fall accidents can also happen on wood or tile flooring that has been freshly waxed or even on polished concrete. Shoes that have slick soles can increase the risk of slipping on smooth surfaces, so it’s important to be aware of the surface below you, especially when walking in unfamiliar territories, such as office buildings or shopping malls that routinely polish and wax flooring.
- Stairs
There are several different reasons why stairs can pose a risk for falls. Steps must be even and smooth as well as constructed at the appropriate height and spacing to prevent the risk of tripping and falling. One of the most common causes of tripping and falling on stairs is the lack of or faulty railing. Falls on stairs can also be the result of clutter or debris, thin or torn treads, and even poor lighting. Stairs can be extremely hazardous and falling on stairs can lead to extremely serious, even fatal injuries.
- Uneven Walkways and Parking Lots
Parking lots, walkways, and sidewalks should be clean and dry, but it’s equally important that they are even. Uneven pavement, pavement with changing grades, broken concrete, tree roots, high curbs, landscape edging, and potholes can cause trips and falls, especially if the area isn’t well lit. It’s easy for homeowners and businesses to overlook damaged outdoors, especially areas that don’t get a lot of foot traffic; however, there is a risk of serious injuries should someone trip and fall on a hard surface.
- Poor Lighting
Poor lighting makes it difficult to identify hazards that are in your path. For instance, walking in a dimly lit parking garage may increase your risk of tripping and falling over debris, cracks in the pavement, or even curbs. This type of accidental fall can lead to serious injuries, including broken bones or brain injuries, especially if you hit your head on the hard surface of the ground.
- Common Injuries from Slip and Fall Accidents
Tripping and falling or slipping and falling can lead to extremely serious injuries, including traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, broken hip or pelvis, torn ligaments, tendons and muscles, shoulder or neck injury, and/or limb fractures. If you are involved in a slip and fall accident it is important that you not simply brush off the accident because of embarrassment, because you may have a more serious injury than you first realized. In many situations, such as a head injury may not be immediately apparent, so be sure to seek medical attention if necessary, to avoid the risk of an injury going unnoticed.
If you do get injured from slipping and falling, it’s recommended that you seek medical attention as soon as possible. If the accident was the result of someone else’s negligence, it’s important to alert management or the homeowner about the accident and how it happened. Immediately following the accident be sure to take a mental note of the area and if there were witnesses to the accident, get their contact information and contact a personal injury attorney. If you are injured in a slip and fall accident, premises liability lawyers can help you get the compensation you deserve for your medical expenses, loss of wages, and pain and suffering.
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