China Logistics and Biostime Launch New Infant Milk Powder
Do you know of Bistime Company? A Biostime brand has been established in one of the retail outlets of JD Company with an online supermarket platform to launch infant milk for babies below 36 months. The Biostime Terroir originated from France with quality labels from Europe. The technology with Biostime involved an optimized technology so that the milk powder is made more similar to the breast milk. The product adds lactose to the milk powder to make it more nutritious for the babies.

China Logistics and Biostime Launch New Infant Milk Powder
- What is the core mandate of Biostime in facilitating China logistics?
The Biostime has a liability to serve with JD Company to assure the requirement of high feature and graded milk for Chinese customers. In 2014, the two companies of Biostime and JD conduct joint production of goods and services and milk production for infants is a good example. The existence of large-quality customers as well as big data management strategies in China logistics associated with JD Company has led to the expansion of the company. As a result, the better performance, JD can empower the operations of Biostime Company to equally expand its operations.
- How do you think JD worked collaboratively with Biostime?
Through the consultancy by Biostime in working with JD Company, there has been registered improvement in the brand provided by Biostime across China. By the end of 2020, the company had expanded its operations by providing an amount of milk powder through an increment of 12.6% across China. JD has contributed to supporting the company by providing more marketing opportunities for the company to release new channels of better performance.
- What was the experience of JD courier on national TV?
Delivery and express operations are found to be operating as usual at despite the current pandemic of COVID-19. Many industries and companies went into a standstill while others completely closed during the outbreak of the disease due to the loss of customers. For the case of JD Company, however, the existence of well-established online platforms made the operations continue running normally.
- What was the role of courier services in the fight against COVID-19?
One of the couriers told National TV that throughout the pandemic, they employed strategies to continuously check the temperatures of everyone entering so that they could identify the COVID-19 patients and isolate them to obtain a minimal infection. Besides, the company conducted continuous disinfection of packaged products to keep the handlers free from contracting the disease to make China logistics more secure.
- How has JD facilitated the lives of the Chinese?
JD has facilitated the livelihoods of many citizens in China. For instance, a mom of two kids who used to buy necessities from the company and then supplying them to other consumers was pleased with the continued operations of the company.
- Want to know how JD facilitated more secure e-commerce?
Through the continuous provision of products to the consumers who found it difficult to travel with the turbulent condition, the clients were happy with the mom as they sent support in the form of food and masks. is providing the citizens with a safe and reliable e-commerce platform for the case of customers, vendors, and the partners the company trades with.
- Have we had more courier services to fight coronavirus?
Another courier based in Mingzhu continued their operations even with the outbreak of the disease as he used only 15minutes to get products from JD and deliver them to consumers. The reduced congestion on roads facilitated his operations through fast deliveries. Data showed that the membership program with JD increased during the pandemic.
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