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    Impacts of Technology on Communication

    Technology is affecting everyone’s life since a long time. It will continue to alter our life styles and will make many changes in our lives. Actually, there is not any single aspect of life where there is no Technology present; it has touched every face of life. But Technology has made a great influence in one aspect of a man’s life and that is communication.

    Impacts of Technology on Communication

    Technology has greatly affected our communication style; we cannot deny the positive as well as negative impacts of technology on communication. Let’s discuss these effects one by one.

    Impacts of Technology on Communication

    • Positive Impacts of Technology on communication:

    Technology has made communication so easy. You can know what is happening miles away by using the gadgets. You stay in touch with your loved one even by staying miles away from them. They are just one click away from you. 

    The most important benefit of Technology is that it has made communication too much easy and fast. In any emerging situation, we came to know what has happened around us immediately. Everyone get benefits from this point of Technology, we stay up to dat.

    It is now considered a lame excuse that you don’t have any mobile phone or internet. Now if you are unable to go to your workplace due to any reason, you can accomplish your task from your home by using laptop. You can also arrange your business meetings; you can share your ideas with your colleagues. 

    When you will be doing your all tasks by communicating online, you will feel productive. It will increase your productivity. You will feel worth. It will boost your self confidence also. This is the positive impacts of technology on communication.

    • Negative Impacts of Technology on communication:

    There as negative impacts of technology on communication as well, let’s see them:

    The negative aspect of Technology on communication is that it has affected the quality of our communication. We do not pay attention to any one person completely. We are doing multi tasking. At one time we are indulged in more than one thing. For example you are using your mobile phone and talking to someone online on any social media app, at the same time you are busy in doing anything important. Then you will focus more on your this task, then obviously our quality of communication is affected badly. 

    Internet has made everything possible now; you may be at home or work and doing multi tasking. You are talking to anyone online and doing other stuff at the same time and not paying proper attentions to both tasks. 

    When you are doing multi tasking, you lost the importance of communication. Your communication will be meaningless. So this is the point that the quality of communication suffers because of Technology.

    Another negative aspect of Technology is that people are doing virtual communication rather than the personal. Everyone now has access to internet and has many gadgets such as mobile phone and laptops. With these, people can make call, text or video calling. This has made the communication on the go. It is a trend. 

    People are also having inter-personal relationships due to the online communications. People feel more comfortable while talking to someone online on mobile phones. Such people become introverts who feel shy to talk in real. 

    Author: https://technologywolf.net/

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