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    How to Use Music to Care for Your Mental Health

    People can get stressed, anxious, or depressed for many reasons. Depression runs in the family, so it is possible for individuals to inherit it. Weather conditions and changes in the season can also create an imbalance in some people, causing them to get depressed.

    It could even be the immediate environment itself that could be causing the degradation in mental health. For instance, if the person is living in an abusive relationship, this can also be a contributing factor. Any instance that can result in a feeling of isolation or insecurity, such as bullying or peer pressure, can have the same results. 

    Major life events are some of the more common reasons for depression. You could be grieving over the death of a close friend, your parents’ divorce, or living through a global pandemic. Any one of these situations can affect your health negatively.

    Music may not be enough to eliminate the symptoms, but it is one way to avoid isolation and stay productive. Through music, you can get yourself back on track and stay healthy. Experts from an online store for musicians and sound professionals share their insights on how to use music to care for your mental health.

    How to Use Music to Care for Your Mental Health

    1. Learn an instrument:

    Now is the best time to get your guitar or drum kit out of storage and try out a few tunes. Regardless of your skill level or previous experience, you can gain something from playing an instrument. You can learn a new skill or fine-tune existing ones.

    Buy a book, watch YouTube videos, join groups, or sign up for courses. There are many options available designed to hone your skills and understanding of music, whether it is playing an instrument yourself or music theory.

    2. Compose a song:

    Perhaps you’ve already spent countless hours learning an instrument, using a digital audio workstation (DAW), or refining your skills. Why not try composing a song? Channel your inner Taylor Swift or Hans Zimmer and create your own masterpieces.

    The tune or arrangement doesn’t have to be complex or sophisticated. For your first composition, your aim is just to get a feel for it. You may see music differently once you compose your own music and learn the structure behind popular tunes.

    With composing, you create music that truly reflects what you feel at a given moment. Compose anytime, whether you are feeling high, low, happy, frustrated, or even depressed. The effects could be similar to writing in a journal or venting to a close friend. 

    Compositions can be very raw and personal, but you can also choose to share it with other people. Depending on your comfort level, you could keep it to yourself, disclose it to people you trust or with the public. Over time, you may have enough compositions to create an album.

    3. Share your music:

    With spending a lot of time making music, you may have enough songs to make an album. Take your music a step further and share your music with other people. Whether you do a cover, compose your own or a combination of the two, you can make use of available recording hardware and software to tweak and upload your works. 

    You can post your creations in many of the places that taught you how to play and make music. It could be on social media, through YouTube, or build your own site where you can post your creations. Perhaps you may even decide to create your own course where you use your music to teach other aspiring musicians the lessons you’ve learned.

    Making and recording your own music is possible even if you’re just starting out, a hobbyist, or don’t have the funds for a full-scale studio. Many music stores offer and sell home recording equipment on a budget. Try your hand out in producing music with more affordable options, then upgrade when the need arises.

    4. Play with your friends:

    Many circumstances may prevent you from going outside and hanging out with your friends. In the case of a pandemic, social distancing could be strictly enforced. It is also possible that you’re not comfortable going out of the house.

    Whatever the situation may be, there are other ways of playing with people without being physically with them. The Internet has made it possible for people from many parts of the globe. 

    Collaboration videos are all the rage now, with the recent global crisis. You can do the same, without leaving the comforts of home, or even your bed. Use a teleconferencing app to jam with your friends or other musicians. 

    If you know how to use video editing software, you can merge and combine the different videos together. Publish your creation and see how it affects other people. Not only will it help you with your struggles, but you may also find that your creations are serving another purpose – helping other people through their issues.

    5. Listen to music:

    Even merely listening to music can do wonders for your mental health. Concerts, bars, night clubs, even restaurants may be closed as of the moment, but that shouldn’t stop you from getting your dose of tunes. Musicians and production companies alike have made their performances available for free – you just need to know where to look.

    Browse through your favorite artist’s website, social media accounts, on video sharing sites, and other sites. Check out radio stations. Expand your musical horizons and listen to songs from other genres or played in other channels, including movies, dance performances, and musicals, among others.

    Music soothes the body, mind, and soul. Listen to tunes, play an instrument, compose your own song, or play with others - the activities listed here are only a few examples of what you can do to maintain your sanity through the toughest of times. There are many others.

    Try some or all of the recommended activities here and see your music skills evolve. For tips on what instruments you can try or equipment you can use, contact a reputable music store today.

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