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    Trying to Talk to Your Children About Underage Drinking

    Raising a teenager can be a difficult process. When a child reaches their teen years, they will usually want to rebel somewhat. While there is nothing wrong with a child wanting a bit of freedom, there are a number of dangers a parent will need to be aware of. Underage drinking is very common, which is why you will need to take the time to talk with your children about the dangers that exist. Failing to inform them will usually lead to them trying alcohol and possibly developing a problem. If you are unsure about how to approach this topic with your child, you may want to reach out to iSelect for some help. Here are some of the considerations to make before bringing up underage drinking with your child. 

    Trying to Talk to Your Children About Underage Drinking

    1.  Educate Yourself on the Risks of Underage Drinking

    Before talking to your child about underage drinking, you will need to focus on educating yourself. There are a variety of studies that have been conducted that show the risks associated with this type of substance abuse. The human brain does not stop developing until a person is in their mid-twenties. This means that introducing alcohol into a child’s brain at an early age can have serious repercussions. Also, the earlier a child experiments with alcohol, the higher their risk will be of developing an addiction. Letting your child know all of these facts may be just what they need to hear to avoid the peer pressure to drink.

    2.  Start Talking About This Topic Early On

    Studies show that nearly a third of the parents out there will wait until their child is around 14 to have a talk about underage drinking. Waiting until a child is already in high school and being exposed to this peer pressure can lead to a variety of problems. Many experts believe that speaking with a child about this issue as early as 9 years old is a good idea. By speaking with a child at an early age about the dangers surrounding underage drinking can make an impact. If a child already knows about these dangers before entering high school, they will be far less likely to succumb to peer pressure. 

    3.  Setting Rules and Expectations

    Clearly laying out rules and the expectations you have regarding underage drinking is a great way to let a kid know how serious this subject is. If your kids know how much you disapprove of underage drinking, then they will usually avoid it at all costs. Having a zero tolerance policy when it comes to underage drinking is vital. If your child is caught drinking, you need to levy a severe punishment and stick to it. If you do not stick to the punishment, it will send a message to the child that they can get away with it if they do it again. This will lead to a variety of long-term issues and possibly addiction. It may be a bit hard on your to be firm with your child, but it is in their best interest. 

    4.  Instill Confidence in Your Children

    A lack of confidence is one of the most common triggers when it comes to underage drinking. If a child does not have a sense of self-worth, they will drink with their friends in order to be accepted. Talking with your child about being confident will allow them to overcome this type of peer pressure. You should also speak with your child about ways to say no to peer pressure. Practicing with a few different scenarios is a great way to prepare a child for being offered alcohol. With these tools, you can help your kids stay away from alcohol. 

    You can find a lot of information about this subject on the iSelect website. This organization is serious about helping kids make the right life decisions. 

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