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    How to Keep Healthy Teeth for Kids

    When my baby was only a few months old, I tried to make her smile more often. I loved how she would giggle when I tickled her tummy. That is why I said to myself that I would do my best to take good care of her teeth. Having a good set of teeth can make a smile even more beautiful.

    I started looking for the right baby toothpaste to use as well as other ways to how to keep her teeth clean and healthy at all times. In this post, I will share with you seven tip on how to keep your baby’s teeth healthy.

    How to Keep Healthy Teeth for Kids

    How to Keep Healthy Teeth for Kids?

    #1 Start With the Gums

    Your baby’s gums are as crucial as his teeth. A healthy gum can help support the teeth and keep them in their place. Swelling and pain could be avoided if the gums are kept clean all the time.

    How to do this: Using a clean and wet washcloth, wipe your baby's gums gently with warm water after feeding. You may also use a soft rubber device designed to clean the gums gently. Make sure to clean his gums at least two times a day.

    #2 Schedule a Regular Dental Checkup

    A regular checkup can give you an idea of what is going on with your baby’s mouth. It will help you take necessary actions as early as possible to avoid cavities. 

    Your dentist will also check if tooth eruptions are on time. She can also recommend what you need to do to take good care of your baby’s teeth. Ask your dentists on the what toothbrush and toothpaste to use for your baby. 

    How to do this: Look for a good dentist for your baby. You can ask recommendations from friends. Talk to your doctor and know when you need to have your baby’s teeth checked and how often.

    #3 Drink Milk with Caution

    Even if milk is your baby’s primary food, it may not do well with his teeth. Most milk contains sugar, which may not be suitable for the teeth. How you feed your baby can also create cavities. It is essential to know what to do during feeding and what kind of milk to give your baby.

    How to do this: If your baby is drinking infant formula milk, ask your doctor about what milk to use, which may not contain a lot of sugar. When feeding, see to it that the bottle does not stay in his mouth for a long time. Avoid putting him to bed with a bottle in his mouth.

    #4 Choose Your Baby’s Food

    Your baby may start to eat other foods aside from his milk. It will introduce him to different kinds of taste and supply his body with added nutrients. But, make sure to choose the type of food you feed him.

    Some foods are high in sugar, which will only cause cavities and tooth decay. You need to avoid these foods and look for healthier alternatives.

    How to do this: Check the labels before buying. Some foods may include other types of sugar like glucose, fructose, and sweetener. Stick to healthier options like fruits and vegetables.

    #5 Start Brushing His Teeth Early

    Brushing his teeth can help remove plaque. Ideally, babies can use a toothbrush as soon as their teeth appear. Not only will it keep their teeth clean, but it also removes buildup that hampers their sense of taste. Your baby will not feel comfortable during feeding when their teeth are not clean. 

    How to do this: Use a small and soft toothbrush made for babies. You can start adding toothpaste but make sure to use a minimal amount at first. Always brush his teeth two times a day. 

    #6 Clean Your Baby's Things

    Our babies love to put things in their mouths. While we allow them to put their pacifier or teething devices in their mouths, we have to make sure that these items are clean. Bacteria on their things can contaminate their gums and teeth. It will cause infection and swelling. 

    How to do this: Sterilize your baby’s things especially those that he puts in his mouth. Thoroughly clean his pacifiers, eating utensils and teething toys.

    #7 Water Must Be a Priority

    Drinking water can keep your baby hydrated. It also contains fluoride, which is vital in preventing tooth decay. While most toothpaste already has fluoride, your baby can have more through drinking water.

    How to do this: Always include water in his meals. Count the number of glasses he drinks in a day and set a goal for him. Make him drink more water instead of juices.

    Do It Right!

    Keeping your baby’s teeth healthy can yield a hassle-free dental experience. There will be no need to worry about cavities, and your baby will experience fewer tooth pain in the future. You will also see your baby looking good with a complete and perfect set of teeth.

    Baby Teeth Health

    I understand that our babies may not always have the perfect set of teeth by the time of tooth eruptions. But, helping them take good care of their teeth can minimize added problems like tooth decay. It is crucial to practice a good dental routine so your baby can get into the right habit.

    How about you? How do you keep healthy teeth for kids? Share with us what you know! We would love to hear your thoughts.

    Author bio: Mary Ross is a mom of four. She loves using her energy to help other people improve their lives. She started The Impressive Kids to help first-time moms and dads overcome the challenges of being new parents. She’s a foodie, and always finds time to cook for her family.

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