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    How to Have a Healthy Scalp and Longer Hair Naturally

    Everyone goes gaga over having naturally strong, long, and healthy-looking hair. Some are even investing an eye-popping amount of money for hair products, regular hair salon treatments, hair care supplements and vitamins (it also helps though), and everything under the sun that’s related to hair care.  

    If you’re also spending a dime for your crowning glory, sorry to break the ice but hair care doesn’t have to be so stressful and expensive. All you have to do is to start from maintaining a healthy and clean scalp first, then everything follows.

    How to have a healthy scalp and longer hair naturally? To help you out with that, we gathered some of the best and easiest tips to achieve a clean and healthy scalp that will help you get that strong, long, and healthy-looking crowning glory you’ve been dreaming of. 

    How to Have a Healthy Scalp and Longer Hair Naturally

    So, look no further and start scrolling through the next few pages!

    1. Do proper hair and scalp cleansing when taking a shower:

    First, you have the proper hair and scalp cleansing, which you must do when taking a shower. When washing your hair, use gentle shampoo only as it helps in keeping the natural oils on your scalp, maintains essential moisture, and saves your hair and scalp from dryness.

    Also, refrain from washing or cleansing your hair and scalp too often, because it can strip down the healthy natural oils and might cause dryness of hair and scalp too. But remember that washing your hair and scalp less often than three to four days will form an unhealthy buildup of dirt and oils on your scalp that may badly affect your hair growth. 

    Do proper hair and scalp cleansing when taking a shower

    2. Consider wearing swimming caps as you go for a swim:

    Another thing you shouldn’t forget to do to keep your scalp healthy and clean is wearing swimming caps no matter how often you go for a swim. Wearing or using swimming caps either you’re swimming in open water or swimming pool will protect your hair from the damaging bacteria, germs, and other microorganisms in the water. 

    Swimming pools are often chlorine-treated, which makes the pool water harmful not only to your hair but also to your skin and scalp. 

    3. Clear up dandruff with organic hair treatments:

    Neglecting proper scalp care leads to having dandruff. Having dandruff is just one of the signs that you have poor scalp care. 

    So, make sure to clear up dandruff with organic hair treatments or by consulting a hair expert. Aside from using specially-formulated anti-dandruff shampoos, you may also treat your dandruff problems with tea tree oil, coconut oil, and applying aloe vera extract.  

    4. Exfoliate dead skin cells from your scalp :

    Proper scalp care includes exfoliating or scraping off dead skin cells from the scalp. Doing it regularly will help boost your hair growth, and eliminate the buildup of dirt and oil. 

    Since your scalp has more hair follicles and sebaceous glands than any other skin on your body. So, it just deserves the right amount of attention, especially if you want to achieve a healthier-looking and longer hair. 

    5. After every shampoo, coat and treat your hair with conditioner too:

    Hair conditioning products are a good investment too as it leaves your hair smooth and shiny after every shower. While it’s mostly suggested to coat the near-end areas of your hair with conditioner, non-comedogenic conditioners or those with a lighter or gentler formula can be used on your scalp. 

    6. Keep your hair off the damaging UV sun rays:

    Your hair and scalp are also prone to damage caused by harmful UV sun rays. If your scalp gets often exposed to the sun, it might lead to having skin cancer. 

    So, protect your scalp and your crowning glory from the risks of skin cancer and other damages by wearing a cap or a hat. You may also use scalp sunscreens that mostly consist of broad-spectrum SPF.

    Final say:

    See? Achieving naturally strong and long hair doesn’t only rely on the products you use or the hair vitamins that you take. You just have to start giving extra TLC on your scalp to boost your hair growth and health. 

    If you have more scalp and hair care tips, which you like to share with our readers, comment your thoughts below. 

    Author bio: Kath Ramirez embraced the fancy of being a writer since she was in fourth grade. She attracts it sincerely and writes for Swimprint Custom Swim Caps, a respected company who provides custom swimming needs in the United Kingdom. Aside from writing, Kath also keeps herself busy spending time with her family, cherishing the role of a dog mum, reading random books, and diving into the world of photography. She’s not even a pro at whatever she’s engaged in right now, but one thing she knows, she’s happy and that’s more than enough.

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